Wednesday, May 7, 2014

May 5, 2014

Hey Bo!
It sounds like I will be calling around 4 ish Sunday! Maybe a little before or after though, we don’t have a set time really right now! I will be skyping from a members home it sounds like so I am super excited to see you!! I did get the package Nae sent me. We have had a tough week with finding people to teach though. The search for investigators has been pretty tough, our strongest inv that we had was Elvia and she really wanted to be baptized but we found out she was married in Mexico and has not divorced that guy and is living with another guy now. So we said she would have to go and get divorced then get remarried with this new guy before she could be baptized and she said she would do that, but the problem is that she is illegal though so she would have to sneak across the border back down then sneak back across to come back up because she has already gotten in trouble with the border patrol before so it will be almost impossible to baptize her. So we are hoping for a miracle. J, the gay kid we are teaching is doing well and is progressing but just wants to know the commandments because we are just about positive he just wants to know whether or not being gay is okay so the law of chastity lesson should be interesting. Other than that we have been working our butts off but not having much success. Everyone is so lazy here and just say "no I am catholic, or evangelic, or a J Dub" or some other of the thousands of religions down here and don’t want to talk to us. So the work is tough but we will find the success soon as we keep working hard. Anyways I am excited to see ya Kimbo, I don’t have anymore time to email ya so I will talk to ya Sunday!

Love, Elder Johnson

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