Hi Mommy, sounds like a crazy
weekend!! I am sure Granny loved going and seeing her family, and you guys got
a dog??? Is this dog going to be able to hunt?? I heard that labradoodles are
really good hunting dogs. Like for real tho, I am not just joking around!! I am
not so sure about the name Izzie... What other names did you have in mind? Does
she have a good personality?? She looks like a big puppy! I love puppies so
much!!!! And I haven’t seen a clean dog since I have been here on the mission.
But sounds like a fun/tiring weekend! How is Dad doing?? I am sure he will love
the puppy, whether he says it or not. Is the pup playful?? Hey you got after me
for taking the car, which means you have to get after Brockles too!! Just
because he is the baby doesn’t mean he should is special! I am going to whip
him into shape once I get home:) haha That is funny though that he did that, I can’t
believe he is starting drivers ed.. Time just won’t slow down!! This last week I
got my new companion, his name is Elder Jones and he is from Virginia. He has
been out on the mission for a long time and will be going home in just 2
months. He has 2 transfers left, so I imagine I will be leaving this next
transfer at the start of August because I have been here in McAllen for like 8 months
now which is an eternity in an area! By the end of this transfer I will have
been here for 9 months!! My companion is pretty cool, he is definitely trying
my patience but we are getting along for the most part. I have been crazy busy
this last week because he is a new zone leader and doesn’t know what to do and
once I tell him what to do he just doesn’t seem to get it done a lot of the
time so I am staying plenty busy. I hope he starts to get the hang of things
quicker so that I can give him a little more to do with the zone so that I don’t
end up blowing up here trying to get everything done but everything will work
out fine. This last week on Sunday we had 4 missionaries that were going home
staying with us because they have to have an interview and do some other stuff
and since we are the only ones close to the office other than the APs, we have
to split all the people with the APs. So we had those 4 with us Sunday, Mon,
and Tues, then Monday we also had 5 greenies (new missionaries) staying with us
too and we also got 2 more dead people so on Monday night we had like 13 people
in our apartment!! And I was the only one that either wasn’t going home or not
a new missionary so I had to do everything because they people going home don’t
care, they just talk about their finding a wife plans and the greenies have no
idea what the heck is going on. So Tuesday and Wednesday was absolutely insane
getting everybody to their areas and sending the other missionaries home, but I
finally got it all done and got to take a big deep breath for like 5 minutes,
then I got my new companion:) haha so things have been crazy here but they are
starting to slow down a little bit. Tomorrow we have interviews with President
Maluenda, so I am super excited for those. We have an interview with him every
3 months and he is just crazy, I don’t doubt him being an apostle one day. So
interviews are super cool and I love them a lot. So yesterday before church we
had a meeting with the bishop and a few other leaders in the ward at 8:30, and
my comp is so slow when it is time to go out the door, he also doesn’t have
driving privileges so I drive every day, meaning he is always in charge of
having the phone. So yesterday morning I told him we will leave at 8:10, I just
sat at the door waiting for him till 8:25 then he came running out and we
jumped in the truck and I flew because I hate being late to any meeting at all,
we also had to stop and pick up something from some of the sister missionaries
in our zone on our way, that is why I wanted to leave 20 min early, so we went
and picked up the stuff from the sisters then he asks me, hey did you grab the
phone? And I just looked at him and said, please don’t tell me you forgot the
phone... So I ended up just hammering on the gas to get back to our apartment
to pick up the phone that he had left on his desk and we flew back to the church.
We run into the church and the room where the meeting was supposed to me is
empty. He then pulls the phone out of his pocket and we had 3 messages telling
us that the meeting had be cancelled, and to make it better, we got those
messages 2 hrs earlier... and he just forgot to look at the messages we had
received... So it was relaxing finding out that the meeting we were running
late to was cancelled but let’s just say that was about the closest I have been
to kill a missionary in my life. I just kinda laughed and I just didn’t really
want to talk to him for a while, but we went into a room and let’s just say we
had a little chat, well I had a chat as he sat there. So yesterday morning was
pretty crazy!! haha But I am now calm again and things are going alright! This
last week was just full of meetings and crazy stuff so it just flew by but
things are going well in our area and we should have a few baptisms here in a
couple weeks so that is exciting! But I hope everything is going great with the
puppy!! I am super jealous you have a little puppy to play with right now!! I
hope you have a great week Mommy! I love you!
Love, To oso

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