October 20, 2104

Hey Kimbo, How is everything going today? What
have you been up to all week? That is good to hear that Aaron Duffin is going
on a mission, I was worried about what he was going to do. Jeez bout time Jason
pops the question!! It is so weird to me that people are getting married!!
Sounds like Colt has been doing pretty good, he says the team sucks but has
been having a lot of fun though. Of course Kev has that tag but chose football
instead! haha hopefully he kills a deer still!. What has Dad been up to lately?
I am glad he got out fishing, what have you and Brock been up to lately to keep
him entertained? I am glad you will be getting your car back, did you have to
pay for anything with that since it wasn't your fault? Sounds like the witch
party should be fun! Send me some pics of you being a witch!! Do you know what
Kade has been up to? Things here are going good still, found out I will be
staying here in Zapata with Elder Duerst again this next transfer, we had the
baptism of Simon this last week, he is the tattoo artist guy I have been
telling you about. We had a great baptism and I confirmed him yesterday at
church. He has completely changed his life around which has been super cool to
see. And he now really wants the priesthood which is what we need here in
Zapata. So the guy I casted the demon out of like started tearing up the other
day when he was thanking us for coming over and teaching him, and he just told
us how much he loves it when we come over because he feels like he has changed
so much and wants us to teach a bunch of his friends now too because they told
him they want us to come talk to them now too. So everything with going over
there and using our priesthood one night turned out really cool. We had over 30
people at church yesterday which is the most that there has ever been since
this area opened a few months ago! We had quite a few less actives at church
and also lots of investigators. I had to talk and then teach the lesson of
course but it was a super good Sunday here in Zapata. Things are going great here
and I am glad I get to stay here at least for another transfer because I know
there is so much work to be done here and so many people that need the gospel
in their life! I hope you have a great week Kimbo, I love you and miss you! Be
safe with everything!!!
Elder Johnson
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